Thursday, December 1, 2011

Ever Feel Like Someone Is In Your Head?

As a new mom to now three, these past three weeks have been a tornado.  Loving on our little blessing, not sleeping, trying to figure out his needs, while still meeting the girls needs and my husbands.  No matter how tired I am, or how much I just want to find a quiet corner where no one says, "Momma look", and it is a clean well organized corner (I do believe those corners exist....somewhere);  I can't help but feel so blessed.  Even when my little boy is screaming, he is so precious.  Even when I have said, "Please, let's not say my name for just a few seconds," I yearn for those two little girls to want my attention.

As I've said before, I am a confessed blog stalker.  Chatting at the sky is a blogger that I've followed for awhile.  She has recently wrote a book, Grace for the Good Girl that has made my Christmas wish list.  As I have gone through these past three weeks I have found myself in the "figure it out" mode.  Trying to figure out my newborns needs, trying to figure out how I am going to work in a run, trying to figure out how I am going to fulfill my girls needs for homeschooling.  The list goes on.  Do you do that?  Are you a "figurer outer"?  (Yes, that is a real term for some of us real people).

I sat down today and took a moment to read her post today and so should you.  She seems to put my thoughts together better than I can.  Quiet is what I need;  silence in spirit.  So I ask the same question she does, " the most honest place where you are today, what is it you truly seek?"

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